Tuesday 17 November 2009

My name in chinese calligraphy

During October a Chinese lady named Zilan Liao came into Holly Lodge to tell us all bout Chinese culture and to show us how to do some creative work. She played the Chinese harp which is a traditional instrument in China although she told us about how it's slowly dying out. We then done some Chinese paper cutting and Calligraphy. I really enjoyed the Calligraphy as Zilan went round and showed how to write our own names in Chinese which I found interesting. We also wrote a poem after learning chinese numbers and the 5 basic strokes. The paper cutting was quite fiddley as when making the butterfly we has to cut in certain places which was tricky. Overall i enjoyed the day and learnt quite a lot of new things.

Mask Making

A few weeks ago we researched Chinese masks giving us some ideas for when we designed our own. When we did design our own we used materials such as Mod roc, a plastic mask to create over, paint to decorate it and odd materials to go with your theme. I chose a rusty old theme which was a brown/gold colour with bits of wool for beard and items which also added more of an effect.

-(PLTS) Independent Enquirer, i believe i was an independent enquirer as i researched all my ideas and planned what i was going to do, i also changed my ideas as i started creating.

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Lantern Festival

On Halloween we went to a festival where our lanterns where shown. There was a large number of lanterns but after a while i found mine. In the festival there was music playing and people acting as different halloween characters. At the end an animation was shown and people sang. This whole festival was about showing creative work. More detailed information about this event is in my A3 sketch book.

Tuesday 3 November 2009

Lantern making with a primary school

On Friday the 16th October we had to organise a workshop between us, deciding who was doing what and when. I was given the task of making a presentation to welcome the school in.
We were paired up with a child to help design and make their lantern, we where doing a basic shape however we only had one day to start and complete the lantern.
Using all the same techniques and material that we used in the original workshop I helped my partner (Emma) to create her lantern and design a few silhouettes to place in between the layering of paper.
We completed the lantern on time and it was displayed at the lantern festival on Halloween.

-(PLTS) I would say during this workshop that I worked as an 'Effective Participator' as i listened to Emma and her ideas how ever i compromised to make them suitable for the time we had therefor i was also organising my time well.

Friday 23 October 2009

Lantern workshop

During the first week of October a lady came into Holly Lodge to introuduce us to the Liverpool Lantern Company and to also design and make our own lanterns. She told us about the Liverpool Lantern Compan history and why it became so popular.

After the background information she bagan to show us how to make our own lanterns following the theme of creatures of the night(I decided on a bat) She also gave us some tips on helping children to make lanterns as we had a workshop with years 6's in the upcoming weeks.

we used the following equipment;
Withies, masking tape, pliars, tissue paper and pva glue.
Making my lantern took quite a while as I couldnt get the hang of making it strong at first, but once i got going and used the correct techniques I completed my lantern and added extra features to the face to make it look even more bat like!

Tuesday 20 October 2009

Theatrical make up workshop

On 25th September Terry Dykes came to Holly Lodge to introduce us to theatrical make-up. He told us the cost of the items and how much money he gets in profit for them. We paired up and created cuts on each other. We used derma-wax, paint, sponges, vaseline fake blood and nails to put in the wax. I really enjoyed the theatrical make-up as it was something that I had never done before and I found it every interesting.

(PLTS)- During this workshop I was a creative thinker as i had to be as creative as possible to keep it looking realistic and different to the rest of the class.

A trip to Liverpool's China Town (15th September 2009)

On the September 15th we went on a trip to Liverpool's China town.
We have been looking at the Chinese culture so took a further insight by walking around china town. I took numerous photos of typical Chinese patterns and Chinese statues.
After a lot of photos we then visited a Chinese
restaurant (The Mayflower) Here we ate Chinese meals and were even given chopsticks even though we couldn't use them!

- (PLTS) During this trip to China Town I would
say that i was an 'Independent Enquirer' as I asked numerous questions about the town and I also imagined what Chinese culture would be in China itself.

About me

Hello, I'm Nicki Fitzpatrick and i am currently studying the creative art and media diploma (level 3) in Holly Lodge sixth form.

I will be using this blog as an e-portfolio to display my work.
enjoy :)