Tuesday 3 November 2009

Lantern making with a primary school

On Friday the 16th October we had to organise a workshop between us, deciding who was doing what and when. I was given the task of making a presentation to welcome the school in.
We were paired up with a child to help design and make their lantern, we where doing a basic shape however we only had one day to start and complete the lantern.
Using all the same techniques and material that we used in the original workshop I helped my partner (Emma) to create her lantern and design a few silhouettes to place in between the layering of paper.
We completed the lantern on time and it was displayed at the lantern festival on Halloween.

-(PLTS) I would say during this workshop that I worked as an 'Effective Participator' as i listened to Emma and her ideas how ever i compromised to make them suitable for the time we had therefor i was also organising my time well.

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